I've never been interested in "New Year's Resolutions." All of humanity makes a mockery of them. Let's base our plans for improvement upon how long it takes our planet to swing around the nearest star. Then let's forget what they were by the time our little dirtball called earth makes it through 10% of the trip.
Nope, no resolutions for me. I'm into new year's registrations. Sometime in December, I register for all sorts of stuff. It doesn't matter if I'm sure I can go. It doesn't matter if I'll want to engage in those activities once the calendar throws them in my face. What does matter is that even in southern California, the weather in January isn't always nice for cycling. As a result, the weekly training miles go down. Even though I'm not much of a bike racer, I know that our club rides are going to speed up and I will want to get into better shape as spring approaches.
If I have a New Year's resolution, it's to remember to make my New Year's registrations before the year gets underway. Those registrations include:
- Renew membership in San Diego Bicycle Club (SDBC)
- Renew membership in USA Cycling
- Register for Stage Coach Century (by Shadow Tours), a nice kick-start to the training mileage with almost no traffic to worry about
- Register for the 3-day King of the Mountains camp by Planet Ultra in the Santa Monica Mountains.
- Make hotel reservations that shadow the SoCal portion of the Tour of California so I can ride and watch a great weekend of pro racing
- Register for any other bike event that sounds appealing and is organized enough to have their registration process up and running by December
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